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5G Brighton

Enabling creative, media and tech businesses to develop experiences that benefit from this new and incredibly fast, low-latency, always-on wireless, mobile technology.

What is this about?

5G is wireless mobile technology that is incredibly fast, very stable and with very low latency; a technology that can unleash game-changing digital products and services. The 5G testbed programme gives regional businesses and organisations the chance to understand 5G and, potentially, to create new applications using its unique characteristics.

What has happened so far?

We launched the 5G Brighton testbed at the FuseBox in 2018, working in partnership with the Digital Catapult, Coast to Capital LEP and others. It has supported around 50 businesses through a 5G Technology Accelerator Programme, enabling them to test and explore the potential of 5G, and generate novel digital products, services and experiences. Learn about some of them here.

The testbed programme is currently being expanded to include Brighton Dome, providing opportunities for artists and performers to utilise 5G in their work.

What is happening now?

Wired Sussex, Brighton Dome and the Digital Catapult have worked with national partners including Warner Music on delivering the world’s first 5G-powered music festival on March 3rd 2022.

The 5G Festival includes Alternative Stages panel events to engage with regional music businesses (labels, artists, studios, venues, etc) and help them use 5G and other emerging technologies to develop new creative and commercial opportunities. You can watch the panel events here

On March 3rd, Wired Sussex will be showcasing work with the local grassroots music industry, sharing the Alternative Stages experience, which includes virtual performances from venues across Brighton.

Joining our virtual stages will be:

  • AFLO. the Poet
  • Frankie Jean
  • Renelle 893
  • Sofia Hole
  • Bobby Brown
  • Holiday Ghosts
  • Slant 

Delivered by Wired Sussex and the FuseBox with support from Platform B.

On Thursday 7th July, watch spoken word artist and poet Priss Nash perform live in virtual reality, find out more and grab your free ticket.

Get involved

To find out how you and your business might benefit from the 5G Brighton and our 5G Festival project, or if you have any questions, get in touch today.